2016海边的设计之旅|展讯:里 / 外 艺术之外的未知空间(2)
Duhem Paul, têtes, Gouache et pastel, gras sur papier, 30×40cm
Mieke Gerritzen & Koert van Mensvoort
Inside / Outside
the unknown space of art
Art Brut is a French term that translates as 'Raw Art', or Outsiders Art, Naive Art, Primitive Art, Disabled Art, is often used to describe the work of people who create outside the conventional art circuit. For long time Jean Dubuffet 1901-1985 was the first artist how collect and defend this Art. He donated his collection to the Art-Brut Museum, Lausanne (Switzerland ).
左:Songye Kifwebe Mask, beschilderd hout, hoogte 63cm
中:Müller, Heinrich Anton, untitled, between 1917 and 1922
右:Jean Dubuffet, L'Homme a la Rose (1949)
In the time we live now we cannot longer define them with this term. We will talk about non-academic, undiscovered, unintentional, Untrained and unclassified ‘artists’ of the modern era. In this exhibition we combine works of these outsider artists with the documentary and works of artists and designers you already known like, Jean Du Buffet, Paul Klee, Miró, Picasso, Karel Appel, Cobra, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Herring, Sol LeWitt, Irma Boon, Luna Mauer. They already have seen and recognized the qualities and fascination of the work of outsider artists. The inspiration from Raw Art, Aboriginal Art, Folk Art and children drawings, are aspects with is an endless inspiration for artists and all of us.
The exhibition concept was given by Mrs. Aaf van Essen(Dutch Artist and Curator) and Co-Curated by Mrs.Yang Zhifei. (Chinese Artist and Curator) During the exhibition period we will launch related guided tours, workshops and other interactive activities. The exhibition is one of the collaboration projects of the city scale exhibition Designers at seashore which organized by 2016 Xiamen International Design Week - Red Dot in China.
Special thanks to the people and organizations who have given support.
Aaf van Essen
Bedu mask/ Ivory Coast
Anna de Jong
Irma Boom